Arteviva, for over twenty years Great Music in the heart of Milan.
Arteviva’s Concert Season
Since 2003, thanks to the work of our staff, Coro Polifonico Theophilus, Orchestra Arteviva and numerous collaborations, we have curated and performed over 200 concerts, offering a wide repertoire ranging from Viennese classicism to contemporary composers.

About us
The Arteviva Music Association was founded in 2001 with the aim of spreading the culture and value of Great Music. For twenty years we have believed in the value of music as a means of personal and collective enrichment.
Sostienici anche tu
Come tutti gli enti culturali Arteviva vive del supporto delle persone che partecipano agli eventi e alle iniziative e che, con la loro presenza, ci supportano.
Esistono però altri modi per sostenere le nostre numerose attività, eccone alcuni: